If NC PA AHEC has assisted you, provided a travel allowance, or your site mentioned that they received funding from our office, please fill out the student evaluation form via the link below. Our funders require data to continue the various programs.
Students looking for rotations in the NC PA AHEC area should call 570-724-9145 or email ncpaahec.students@gmail.com to begin the process. We assist with placements at limited sites. It is helpful to call 6-12 months in advance of when you would like the placement.
Please be ready to answer the following questions
- Are you from a rural area?
- Do you plan on working in a rural area?
- Are you from Pennsylvania?
- Email and phone number where you can be reached.
- Does you school have an affiliation agreement with the site you are requesting? If not, who is the contact?
- How many hours does your school require for the rotation?
All rotations, that we assist with, have minimum requirements:
1. clearances that are less than three years old
2. immunization records, including two covid
3. liability insurance